National Nutrition Month, 2020
"OPTIMUM NUTRITION IS THE MEDICINE FOR TOMORROW" By Dr. Linus Pauling Nutrition is the science of food, nutrients and other substances. The process by which food is taken inside the body and utilized by the body and disposes the end product. It is very important for the human body for their growth and development and also to carry out all their day to day work properly. Nowadays many nutrition related disorders are seen to be increasing day by day in India. Right from malnutrition to many other non communicable disease (WHO). Moreover, in Hunger index our India is in 102 th position therefore, this is a high time to open up eyes and work for uplifting of the country by making holistic approach in terms of nutrition. Every people should posses better health for their better living so, all the peoples must be aware of importance of nutrition in their health. They should know that food is not only for satisfying hunger and taste but also to pr...